ACAP Principles on the Affordable Care Act and Health Reform

As policymakers look to make changes to our health care system, the Association for Community Affiliated Plans (ACAP) urges them to consider how best to maximize limited resources to deliver comprehensive health coverage and care to all Americans. The experience of Safety Net Health Plans (SNHPs) in serving more than 17 million Americans in 2016 through Medicaid, Medicare, and the individual market leaves them uniquely situated to provide a comprehensive perspective on what works and what doesn’t.

The Affordable Care Act has fundamentally changed the way our health care system operates.  It addressed long-standing limits on Americans’ ability to access health coverage and health care, and catalyzed a movement toward care based on quality and value—not just volume. As Congress considers changes to the health care system, it is imperative to recognize that while the law was by no means perfect, there were components it got right, which have made all the difference for the millions of Americans with low incomes, unmet health care needs, and who are served by SNHPs.

ACAP Principles on the Affordable Care Act and Health Reform