Partnership for Medicaid Sign-on Letter to Senator Hatch on American Health Care Act Bill

On behalf of the Partnership for Medicaid – a nonpartisan, nationwide coalition of health care providers, safety net health plans, counties and labor – the undersigned organizations thank you for the opportunity to provide stakeholder feedback on Senate health care efforts. We would like to focus our comments on the Medicaid program, which plays a vital role in delivering necessary health care and other related services and supports to more than 70 million low-income children, pregnant women, individuals, seniors, people with disabilities and the medically complex in our country. We urge the Senate to maintain the current structure of the Medicaid program and the federal financial commitment with the states to care for our nation’s most vulnerable, low-income individuals.

Medicaid serves as a lifeline of support for millions of Americans who depend on Congress to ensure and protect their continued access to care and coverage. Policies designed to meet fiscal objectives do not strengthen the Medicaid program, nor do they guarantee access to care. We are united in our concern over policy proposals that represent a significant shift in the cost of the Medicaid program to states, local governments, providers and beneficiaries. We urge the Senate to ensure that future financing of Medicaid-covered services is sufficient to secure timely access to high quality, necessary care for Medicaid enrollees. The Partnership believes that any changes to the Medicaid program must align with our core principles, which are intended to ensure a strong safety net program in place for our most vulnerable citizens.


See Full Letter Here>>>